The 5210 Challenge is all about taking small steps to create a healthier you. We are glad you are here.
The Coast to Cascades Community Wellness Network partners and community organizations have teamed up to bring the 5210 Challenge to Benton, Lincoln and Linn counties in Oregon. Over the last decade, schools, healthcare organizations, community organizations, and non-profits have participated in the challenge to start each new year off with healthy habits.
The Challenge takes place every February and consists of four main goals related to nutrition and movement. You can join as an individual or opt in to be a part of a team. You’ll track your daily progress throughout the month and be entered into a raffle to win some cool prizes!
The February 2024 Challenge is now closed. We welcome you to come back in February 2025 to join the Challenge again. Enjoy the offseason and keep up those healthy habits. For paper trackers to keep up with tracking your healthy habits, check out the toolkit below.
5210 Goals
5210 – Let’s go! The four goals of 5210 might seem lofty as first, but remember, you aren’t in this alone. You have a whole community supporting you in this challenge. Let’s take a look at what the challenge consists of.
SamFit Videos
Check out these fitness videos produced by our SamFit instructors. Try Pilates, Circuit Training, Yoga, and much more.
Connection to Prevention
Samaritan Addresses Health Needs
5210 is much more than a once-a-year challenge. It is all about addressing health issues in our community and implementing small habits to improve community health. In 2019, all five Samaritan hospitals completed their Community Health Needs Assessments in partnership with community agencies in Benton, Lincoln and Linn Counties. The following goals and objectives were established by the Samaritan Community Benefit Advisory Committee.
Goal 1: Healthy Families

Increase physical activity, fitness and access to nutrition foods for children and families.
Priorities: Poverty and food insecurity.
Goal 2: Greater Access

Increase access to medical, dental and mental health supports and services.
Priorities: Access to medical, dental and mental/behavioral health care; chronic disease; substance use prevention and treatment.
Goal 3: Better Networks

Increase social supports for families.
Priorities: Homelessness, housing and transportation.
Goal 4: Healthy Kids

Increase services and supports for children.
Priorities: Child abuse and neglect.
Goal 5: Healthy Teens

Increase services and supports for teens.
Priorities: Access to medical, dental and mental/behavioral health care; chronic disease; substance use prevention and treatment.
Goal 6: Healthy Seniors

Increase social supports for seniors.
Priorities: Access to medical, dental and mental/behavioral health care; chronic disease; substance use prevention and treatment.
Community Benefit Plans
Videos from Past Challenges
A Blast From the Past: Enjoy these 5210 videos from our past challenges. Click, watch, and let the good vibes propel you toward a healthier, happier you.
5210 Partners